Jan Vermeer - Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window(Before restoration):1.11MB
Sandro Botticelli - La nascita di Venere:1.51MB
[PC]Japan; Folding screen:2.03MB
[PC]Alfons Mucha - F. Champenois Imprimeur-Éditeur((1898)):2.72MB
[PC]Annunciation (Leonardo) (cropped)(Leonardo da Vinci, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons):2.73MB
Winged Nike of Samothrace.:871.30KB
[PC]Last Judgement (Michelangelo):1.80MB
'Moulin Rouge - La Goulue' Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec(1891):1.24MB
Colour print of three young Japanese women dressed in fine kimonos:974.04KB
The Kiss - Gustav Klimt:1.29MB
Paolo Veronese, The Wedding at Cana:1.62MB
Mont Sainte-Victoire with Large Pine, by Paul Cézanne((1887)):1.59MB
'The School of Athens' by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino((1509 - 1510)):1.70MB
2022/01/17 OPEN